Voluntary work in the medical profession, Humanitarian Medicine, Medical research
Target group: Health workers, Journalists, Groups formed.
Humanitarian medical and surgical missions in rural areas,
Care and hygiene in rural areas
Medical assistance (Evacuation, personalized care)
Target group: Vulnerable groups, Rural and peri-urban populations,
Prison populations ...
Search for Direct Funding (Membership Fees-Donors and Equity), Indirect financing (Partnerships); Efficient management of financial resources (Direct to patients)
Target group: Members (Sympathizers, Assistants and Donors), Ambassadors, Public and private companies, International institutions, General population .
Looking for information? The most frequently asked questions are listed in our FAQ. Consult the theme you are interested in, a link
In Africa, low medical coverage prevents people from accessing adequate health care. Worse, rural communities are virtually excluded from quality health services, either because health centers are remote or because people do not have the means to take care of themselves, but especially doctors who are not aware of " Humanitarian medicine "do not accept to practice in non-urban areas. It is aware of this fact in rural Africa in the south of the Sahara that a group of African doctors had the ingenious idea to create in January 2005 AIMES-AFRICA in order to work and support the efforts of the governments to "ensure Health and education for all".
AIMES-AFRIQUE is an abstract of the International Association of Physicians for the Promotion of Education and Health in Africa. This international NGO, which celebrated its eleven years of existence last January and which exists in ten African countries, has the main objective of "bringing the hospital closer to the rural population". To this end, the humanitarian medico-surgical organization chaired by Dr. Serge Michel KODOM, who is recognized and accredited to the Economic, Social and Cultural Council (ECOSOCC) of the African Union and the United Nations, organizes in a methodical and regular manner Free specialized medical consultations in remote villages and hamlets under the supervision of the prefectural or regional health departments. Approximately 10% of the persons consulted undergo free surgical operations.
AIMES-AFRIQUE is originally an association of doctors (health professionals). Since 2015, it is open to all trades. Today, a dynamic and digital platform is created to ensure the mobilization of financial, material and human resources. This platform is available on www.aimes-afrique.org and accessible. To be a member of AIMES-AFRIQUE, is first to be concerned with serving others, to give a rural, peri-urban and prisoner peasant the opportunity to be treated (operated), thus responding to the evangelical call . Bringing health to poor people also brings them the good news of GOD. But to belong to AIMES-AFRIQUE is also to belong to a large pan-African family and to create a mechanism to offer a regular health check. The membership and sponsorship mechanism in AIMES-AFRIQUE gives you the opportunity to participate in medical-surgical missions, to be eligible to the executive office, to travel through different representations.
Consult the registration manual link, Which facilitates the process of enrolling new members, enabling them to join easily via a web platform integrating a number of dematerialized steps.
If AIMES-AFRICA's main goal is to bring the hospital to rural and prison areas that are often underprivileged, it is concerned with understanding the "problematic of community development" and fighting evil at the source through the promotion of School and rural entrepreneurship. The villages of AIMES-AFRIQUE are randomly selected rural communities that must benefit from their support for a period of ten to fifteen years in carrying out ten development projects in order to ensure a real transformation of the "rural economy" through To support the partners. On the one hand, this accompaniment ensures that a real succession of tomorrow is made by granting monthly scholarships to the first five pupils each year in all villages until the end of their studies and Women's literacy. On the other hand, AIMES-AFRICA intends to promote school medicine, health mutual, strengthen local pharmacies. The villages of AIMES-AFRIQUE in Togo are ten in number with two villages per economic region and two in each NGO representation.
Our main goal is to promote the culture of excellence, the emulation in schools and universities and the sense of social responsibility of all through a "new vision of African solidarity", we work in the spirit To defend and promote the values of human dignity.